The end of September marks my two year anniversary of match betting. So far i have made £11,288.29 match betting, which is pretty awesome when i consider i started match betting with £200 in my bank account. The reason i keep so much data on my match betting transactions and write a blog is because it helps remind me where i was previously vs where i am today. Sure we all want to make a bit more, and make it with minimum effort. But to be honest, sacrificing 15-30 minutes a day over 2 years for £11k is a pretty good trade of time.
Looking at the last two years i can say i made an average of £15.46 per day. I hope i can continue this going forward, maybe even try to get a few more months back to that £1000 mark.
For September i made £384.41 at an average of £4.52 per transaction over 85 bets. I should have tried to do more bets in September and hit some of the more niche offers out there. Saying that, i still managed to make an average of £12.81 per day.
I will start a new job in October, so i expect next months match betting results to be significantly down on my monthly target.
Match betting results updated for the month.