My Match Betting Results

I want to show everyone how i make £500 a month from match betting
My target is to make £30,000 of tax-free profits and this is my progress

If you are interested in making money from Match Betting then I recommend you use Profit Accumulator - they put all the offers into one place and make it easy for you to make instant profit.

Match Betting Results

My aim is simple, to make £500 a month tax-free

When I started out match betting I decided to record the results on a monthly basis, almost like a business would with all the transactions. I thought this would be helpful for me to maintain a focus, keep consistency and also learn from the data over time.

I update my match betting results every time I make a transaction. I do this by simply adding the bets to a spreadsheet, almost like a profit and loss account. The spreadsheet then categories the transactions into each offer type, therefore, giving me an overview of my activity per month.

My aim is to make £500 a month from match betting. I don’t spend my profits, I reinvest them in savings, shares and other investments. My latest match betting goal is to make £30,000 of tax-free income and I am over half way there so far.

I always fit match betting around my already busy life. I know I could make more per month, but with 2 children and a full-time job, I decided I was more than happy with a target of £500 a month. That said, i do know people who make between £1,000 and £2,000 a month from match betting.

Current Profit up to Nov 2019


Match Betting Profit – Cumulative return

Distribution of profit by match betting offer type

  • Free Bets
  • Bonus Funds
  • Bingo Offers
  • Casino Offers
  • Enhanced Odds
  • Bets
  • Accumulators

Wide range of match betting offers

Match betting profit comes from varying types of offers. As you can see in the pie chart to the left, my match betting results mainly come from Free Bets and Casino offers. But this is just the strategy and type of offers I do. There are other people doing match betting that get 80% of their results from Accumulators. It really depends on you, the offers that work well for you and your overall strategy.

Within my match betting results, I have included all sign-up offers within the free bets section rather than record them separately.

Match Betting Results Broken Down

There is never a shortage of match betting offers and over the years I have made thousands of bets and guaranteed some risk-free profits as a result. When you break down the total profit by the number of transactions you can see how much profit be made per bet.

If you earn an average of £3.50 per bet then you will make £3,500 for every 1,000 transactions you make. If you did 10 betting transactions a day, then you could earn £3,500 in 100 days.

Match betting transactions


Average profit per transaction


This page was last updated on the 2nd of November 2018. All of the figures displayed on the results page are real profits that I have made through match betting. Match betting is in not gambling and I do not recommend or promote gambling. Match betting is for people over the age of 18 in the UK. 


  1. Hi, I’ve been reading up on match betting as it’s seems a little too good to be true. How did you start? And What sort of amount did you need to start with?

    1. Hi Dan,

      It’s definitly not too good to be true. Match betting really does work. There are thousands of people doing it already and I’m just one of them people.

      There are plenty of good services to use to help you learn the process. I recommend you do a free trial with Profit Accumulator. The free trial will make you around £45 and show you the first steps. Within the trial you will also get access to videos and calculators to show exactly what to do. Take your time and you won’t go wrong.

  2. I have stalled a bit recently with my match betting activity. Over the past 4 months, I have literally done the odd offer here and there and not recorded the profits I have made. However, even if I did record it there would only be an additional £500 to the total. The reason why I have stopped in recent months is due to spending all the money I have made so far from match betting on a house extension. The house project has literally taken up most of my spare time alongside the typical 9-5 job.

    December marks my return. Amazingly there are now 30 more signup offers for me to do as well as a whole new set of weekly bet club offers. I am back on my mission now to make £500 a month and I will be sure to keep my blog updated and stay on track.

    The next goal for me is to make that illusive £7k to hit my £30k target.

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