Monthly Match Betting Roundup

Make £500 a month Match Betting – Month Four

Making £500 in a month from a few hours a week match betting is really a great feeling. This is the first time I have managed to make over £500 in a single month and I’m really happy with it. When I set out doing match betting my goal was to try and make £500 (£6k a year) every month. I knew some months would be better than others and I also knew it might take me a while to get up to speed with the process and offers.

My match betting profits for December were £566.98 meaning I hit my goal of getting my overall profits to in excess of £1500 by the end of the year. In fact I managed to get my match betting bank to £1636.63.

In December I did 125 betting transactions, which is less activity than last month but I managed to make more money. When you break it down the daily profit I made was just over £18 and each transaction was worth almost £4.50. When you consider a single bet takes around 5 minutes to make this is pretty easy money.


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