Monthly Match Betting Roundup

How I Made £10,000 Match Betting – Month Twenty

So it took me almost 20 months, but i have finally made over £10,000 from match betting. This feels like an awesome milestone, especially when i consider i started with just a few hundred pounds and a subscription to Profit Accumulator. Obviously i am slightly bias, but i genuinely believe this is the best thing i have ever done as its enabled me to become more financially free, to pay off credit cards and put money into savings / investments that wouldn’t have been possible without match betting.

Technically i reached the £10,000 milestone last month, but i didn’t realise until after writing April’s monthly blog post. This month i made a further £598.74 which takes my total profit since starting to £10,851.54. When you look at this from a profit per day point of view i made £19.96 in average per day and £4.50 per bet over 133 bets. This month was pretty efficient in terms of profit per bet and a fairly decent amount of bets made in total.

There is definitely a correlation between the amount of bets you place and the profit you make for the month, and i guess that’s why a lot of people on the Profit Accumulator forum will say the best strategy is to just hit as many offers as you can. I have gone into some ‘no brainer offers’ before and just about broken even vs some suspect looking casino offers that bring a great return. Ultimately there is always an element of luck with these things, but with match betting approach you are giving yourself the edge over the bookie. Sure you will lose some offers here and there, especially with casino offers, but over time, providing you do it right you will end up making a consistent profit.   

Next month is midsummer, which i imagine to be very quiet with the lack of football competition. I can’t wait for the World Cup next year as that will provide plenty of profit making opportunity over the summer months. So with the lack of betting opportunity around i’m going to set a sensible target of £500 for June. If i am honest i think this will be a stretch.

Monthly results updated

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